Granite of Sahu Marbles


Granite being the hardest stone, and because of its architecturally beautiful is highly used as building stone. It takes a highly polished finish, which endures it even in inclement environments. It also is also available in variety of other finishes.

Sahu Marbles is regularly processing and exporting all Indian granites from south India and north India like Lakha Red Granite or Ruby Red Granite, New Imperial Red Granite or Red Black Granite, Rosy Pink Granite

Black Pearl

Blue Star

Brown Granite

Chima Nova

Chima Pink

China White

Gem Red

Imperial Pink

Imperial Red

Jhansi Red

Lakha red

Platinum White

Red Black

Rosy Pink

Royal Green

Sunrise Yellow

Tiger Skin

Get Well Hospital


Sahu Marbles
Near Bajrang Motors,Hero Honda Showroom,Rampur Road Haldwani
Nainital (U.K)
Ph. 9475063576,9761581161,9719415322

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